ignissacer29 says:Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure follows the story of Cornet as she travels the land to rescue her Prince Ferdinando from the clutches of the evil Marjoly.
This is a kind of feel good JRPG with a refreshing story. Dialogues are sang instead of voice overs ala musical and it's not your typical serious, save the world kind of story. In fact it's mostly humorous and comedic interspersed by a few "serious" moments. In short, it doesn't take itself seriously, which, for me is fine.
In terms of gameplay, it is your standard tactical rpg in which characters and enemies are placed on a grid based battlefield and it plays like most TRPG like Ogre Battle and Final Fantasy Tactics. Characters can move, attack, and cast spells within the
confines of the grid as do the enemies.
What it excels though is in the music and sound department. Being a kind of musical JRPG, players can expect some of the most memorable songs and music they will ever hear from the genre.
While this JRPG may not blow anyone's mind, it is still a fun title deserving to be played and looked into.